Herbal teas are also called tisanes that are well known for their medicinal value. It is a natural and delicious drink to combat diseases. Unlike common teas such as black, green, and oolong, herbal teas do not derive from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Herbal teas prepare with the stem, flower, seed, fruit, and root of herbs.
Herbs are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They have been used in culinary and medicines due to their healing values and aroma. People now use these herbs to make teas and gain health benefits.
But, which herbs should you use in your tea?
I will give you a list of the seven best herbs for tea. And how to make a perfect cup of herbal tea. Before that, let’s know some health benefits of herbal teas.
Benefits of herbal tea
Teas are the second most consumed beverage after water. Health-conscious people choose herbal teas over milk tea because of their health benefits and soulful flavours. I know your love for milk tea. But, you might give herbal teas a try after reading their benefits.
Caffeine-free:- Herbal teas are caffeine-free. You can take them any time during the day, even at night. It will not harm your sleep like true(common) teas, whereas herbal teas are a natural sedative and let you have a deep sleep.
Immunity booster:- Many herbs are packed with antioxidants and vitamin c that may strengthen your immunity; a strong immunity leads to a healthy body.
Improve digestion:– Herbs tea can cure your upset stomach. Some herbs have phenols that make the digestive system strong and heal stomach-related diseases.
Anti-ageing:– Almost every herb is a rich source of antioxidants. This compound reduces the ageing effect on your skin and gives you a youthful look. Isn’t it interesting?
Detox body:– Toxins’ presence in our body cause many ailments. Detoxification is crucial to prevent diseases. Herbs work as a cleanser. It washes all the toxins out of the body and makes it healthier.
Anti-inflammatory:- Like toxins, excess inflammation in the body makes us prone to many health problems. Stress increases the inflammation in the body, which is common nowadays. In this situation, when stress has no escape, we should try to reduce inflammation. Herbals teas have some compounds that can reduce inflammation and save us from illness.
Calming and reduce pain:- Calmness is one of the most known effects of herbal teas. It helps you to relieve any pain in your body and makes you feel relaxed. Some people prefer this natural remedy to ease their stress rather than taking medicines.
The list of herbal teas’ benefits is endless. You can only experience all their benefits after drinking them and feeling the changes in your body.
Best herbs for tea
You can add any of the following herbs to your herbal tea. Here is the list of some commonly available herbs that you can grow in your kitchen garden and use fresh herbs for preparing tea.
Mint is an everlasting herb. Tea lovers like herbal tea in mint flavour because of its aroma and refreshing feel. All varieties of mint have this unique quality as it contains menthol, a relaxing essence. Although mint is available in dried form, you can grow it in an earthen pot and use its fresh leaves in your tea.
A tea prepared in mint flavour is a wonderful teacup for the evening to unwind and rejuvenate yourself.
Rosemary also belongs to the mint family. Like mint, it is refreshing but has a strong aroma. Due to this property, it uses in culinary and cosmetics. This beautiful herb remains green for more than one growing season, which makes it an evergreen herb. For growing rosemary, certain climate conditions require. But it is available around the world in dried form. So dried rosemary herbs can use to prepare tea and yield its benefits. As this drink is quite strong, you can add natural sweeteners to reduce its bitterness.
Chamomile is famous as a relaxing herb from the daisy family. This beautiful-looking herbal plant is suitable to grow in the spring season. But for making tea, dried flowers are recommended. People consume chamomile to calm and soothe their minds. Apart from this quality, it can heal other health issues such as heartburn, upset stomach, disturb sleep. Chamomile can treat mild symptoms of insomnia.
Like other herbal tea, you can take it before bed and induce sleep.
After chamomile, lavender is another widely consumed floral herb native to the Mediterranean. Its fragrance is a therapy in itself, so it uses in spas and meditations centres to create a calm atmosphere. This beautiful purple colour flower has many other benefits than its aroma. It can control blood pressure, soothe pain, and relax your mind. Apart from the dried form, its oil and extract are also available in the market.
You can use the dried lavender flower to prepare tea. You can even use its fresh buds if it is readily available in your area.
Fennel is the most common herb in Indian cuisines. Almost every house in India has this ingredient in the kitchen. But we used its fruit that looks like a seed in our food. Seeds, leaves, and bulbs of this plant can be used in food and prepare herbal tea. It is aromatic, flavorful, and has freshness. Even in some places, people use it in desserts for enhancing taste. For tea, you can use its seeds and fresh or dried leaves. Both have equal health benefits. Fennel tea is an effective remedy for improving digestion.
Sage is another herb member of the mint family. This evergreen herb has greyish-green leaves and colourful flowers. Only some of its varieties are appropriate for culinary, which is called Common Sage or Salvia. Since ancient times, people use it for curing diseases and protection from evils. Sage is also beneficial for the brain. Its dried leaves are available in the market. You can use them to prepare sage tea and enhance cognitive skills.
Ginger is famous as a spice. Apart from vegetables, you may have used ginger to make milk tea. But you can even make herbal tea with ginger. Ginger is the root of its plant, and some also call it ginger root. You can use this spice to make herbal tea without peeling it. It is famous for curing nausea and digestive problems.
Herbal tea recipe
Now, you have a list of the herbs which you can use to prepare herbal tea. For making herbal tea with any above-said herb, follow the following steps. In the end, you will have a perfectly healthy drink.
- Boil water in a pan.
- Turn off the gas. Now put the dried form of your selected herb in water.
- Let it rest for 4-5 minutes and strain it.
- If you make tea with fresh leaves (or ginger), put them in hot water and bring them to boil for 3-4 minutes.
- You can also add natural sweetener to enhance its taste.
Your healthy teacup is ready.
Some people infuse tea herbs for a long time, 7-8 hours, in hot water. But it is up to you. Dried forms are ready to use. Just put them in hot water and steep for some minutes.
I hope you will try one of these herbs and gain its benefits.