Rose Tea(SIA) + Marigold Tea Combo


Price Summary
  • 750.00
  • 750.00
  • 750.00
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It is a combo of floral teas. One tea is made of Siachin roses, while the other is by colourful marigold flowers. Both flowers are rich in antioxidants and other healing properties. You cannot find a rose tea anywhere else that is made of Siachin roses.

Quantity: 100gm + 100gm = 200gm

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It is a combo of floral teas. One tea is made of Siachin roses, while the other is by colourful marigold flowers. Both flowers are rich in antioxidants and other beneficial contents. You cannot find a rose tea anywhere else that is made of Siachin roses.

SIA tea Ingredients: 

  • Siachen rose petals
  • Siachen rosebuds
  • Green tea

SIA tea Features:

  • 100% natural sun-dried flower and buds
  • Added green tea for taste balance
  • Loose-leaf tea


Marigold tea ingredients: 

  • Green tea
  • Yellow marigold flower petals
  • Orange marigold flower petals

Marigold tea serving suggestion:

  • Do not add milk
  • A mild bitter, so you can add honey.


About SIA tea

Siachen is famous for its special roses. The word ‘SIA‘ refers to a rose family plant. We use roses and buds from this special place in our signature blend and give our rose tea this unique name “Siachen Roses Tea”. 

You will not find this tea anywhere else. It’s only available with HerBlend. Not any other tea company uses Siachin roses to make their rose tea.

Usually, rose tea has only rose petals. But we have added both rose petals and buds for making it extra delightful and beneficial. Buds and petals have different health values. With this red rose tea, you can avail the benefits of both parts of the rose plant.

People use rose in cosmetics, cooking and apply directly on their skin. Tea is another form to get its significant benefits.

Without a doubt, roses might help to make your skin glowing. Can you imagine tea can eliminate your mental stress? Siachen Roses tea may relieve mild symptoms of depression and improve sleep quality.

To get relief from menstrual cramps, women can use it as a natural remedy instead of taking pills. It might help to regulate your hormones.

Are you worried about being overweight? Add this fragrant and delicious tea to your diet. It will improve your digestive system, increase metabolism and aids you in reducing weight. Having antioxidants is another feature.

Do not overthink; order now for this healthy and fragrant drink.

About Marigold tea

Everybody knows that a marigold is a vibrant flower used in decoration. The flower belongs to the daisy family. Because of its colour and alluring look, people use it in food. More than just a colourful flower, it is an effective herb. Marigold tea provides you with all the benefits of the marigold flower.

People in the past used it for health benefits. It was recognised to cure skin problems such as rash, itching, wounds and to rejuvenate skin.

With time, its other benefits emerged. This herbal flower enriches with antioxidants. Some of its elements produce vitamin A that is an antioxidant.

Calendula tea can combat inflammation problems and sore throat. It gives protection to your eyes from UV rays and relieves irritation. Want to get more health benefits from a cup of tea? Check out Herblend’s Wellness Teas.

To get all marigold flower benefits, try HerBlend’s Marigold tea. It is a delicate and soothing tea for your wellness. We added both yellow and orange flower petals that make this tea extra colourful and fruitful.

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